fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

the Damp.

Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006
the damp won.

we're moving. but i feel as though we've aged five years in the process as we've decided on a two bedroom apartment. so we'll have a study/guest room/media room. and we can play house.

yes, i still insist that i'm playing house. growing up is scary, except that i have this really fuckin brilliant guy to hold my hand through it all. i don't understand how he understands my freakouts.

oh man, i can really freakout about really silly things.

but he just lets me go for a little while, and then he carefully unwinds every little spring that's coiled up underneath my skin.

he's so very good to me.

:: 12:13 am ::

now playing ... some movie

heads :: tales