fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

seventy eight ... and counting.

until i was approximately six years old, i believed in the idea of santa claus.

i continued to leave cookies and milk for my parents sake.

at the age of seven, i gave up on the tooth fairy as well.

she was a phenomenal source of income for years, though.

up to my eleventh birthday, i was petrified that someone was going to climb into my bedroom window and kidnap me.

i was convinced.

on my twenty second birthday, i threw my drugs away ... and i dwindled my cigarettes to none.

and now i'm just scared....

there's a war going on that no one even knows about. there's a cause behind every smile and bit of joy behind every wink.

but here we are, living our regular lives. breathing our regular air.

there's not too much to do.

we don't have anything left to say.

here's to america.

here's to freedom of speech.

let's get johnny johnny american laid.

:: 10:53 p.m. ::

heads :: tales