fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

low-flying superman

Friday, Jun. 28, 2002
i have this friend.

i know, i know ... nobody wants to hear about other people's friends ... but this is the stuff that stories are made of...

i look forward to seeing him and talking to him. he puts me at ease. he's a legacy trip ... a great way to make your future children fade. a story to tell when you get older. he's the summer you went away to camp and came back happy. he's the informercial you watch because you can't stop. he's a bad joke with a great punchline. but you can't get away from him and you can't give the time of day because you can't see your hands.

the days after my rush of nightmares, he was there to see me through. through my break-up and my make-up sessions, he stood solid next to me ... he might as well have been holding me up.

yeah, i have this friend ... he's a musician. he's an artist. he's a writer. he's a poet. he's original. he's a rare soldier of truth. yeah, he's got a real knack for life.

we pushed each other through a rough bout of classes and 15 hour shoots and rotting relationships and caffeine and those your car just got towed kind of days. we were creative and inspired ... and running on empty for about two years straight.

he's a pretty cool guy, and all the chicks fall for him. he told me to leave, "you gotta get off this city like a sinking ship. you just gotta go. i expect a lot of postcards." for a while, he was the only one who was interested when i got a new idea. not to mention, he always makes me laugh.

so, i have this friend. he's always got this gorgeous shade of green with summer in his voice. he likes to talk about old movies and drink a lot of chai. he can laugh about his heartache and expects the same from others.

i have this friend, and i just think everyone should know.

:: 10:54 pm ::

now playing... yellowcard (one for the kids)

heads :: tales