fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

she's got a fish balloon.

Wednesday, Jul. 03, 2002

my two cats are asleep on the armchair behind me, and boy is reading his comic book (wednesday is new comic day) on the bed. i think all four of us are just trying to get our share of the dribble of cold air spurting from our twenty year old air conditioner.

boy brought me home a present today though! it's a delirium figure! yay! a figure that matches my tattoo! yay! i like when boy brings me presents ... especially since i was half asleep at two-thirty in the afternoon in my skivvvvies (the extra v's are just extra fun) and what i really needed to get my ass up was a fun present to play with!

so ... lesson for the day ... if you're pretty close to naked on a wednesday afternoon ... get a cute boy to bring you a present. it'll get you out of bed. there will be more later but i'm trying to digest the ultimate lunch boy and i had at trolley stop (they have the best hashbrowns).

so until next time, my massive amounts of followers, keep your ear to the ground.

:: 5:48 pm ::

now playing... waxwing (one for the ride)

heads :: tales