fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

dial my tone

Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002
i live with two people, three cats, and a rather oompa-loompa-ish colony of tiny orange water ants.

this is my new situation. this is the environment i have thrown myself into. i'm convinced... i'll make the best of this. don't get me wrong ... so far, it's awesome.

let me tell you what it's like to live with a cute girl.

the first week that i lived here, the phones weren't working. for a rather persistent internet girl like me, this is a difficult scene to find a job.

so sleepyface (my other roommate) called the phone people.

phone people send out phone man.

phone man looks rather seriously at our wiring outside of the house. "well, here's the problem, it's wired for more than one phone line ... meaning that you'd have to run a wire around the back of the house to the junction blah blah blah blah blah but you could hire a contractor or an electrician blah blah blah blah since our rates are a bit high. it would be eighty dollars for the first half hour and thirty dollars for each additional fifteen minutes of work blah blah and more phone jargon."

cute girl and i look at each other and decide that there is no way that we are adult enough to "hire a contractor."

do it now, please.

so phone man gets to work. he's very nice and chatty the whole time ... petting my cat and telling me stories about his own dog and cat and just being very considerate. he fixed my phone jack that didn't work and tested everything.

while he was cleaning up, cute girl and i were on the porch. she and i were wondering how we pay. i hoped they would just bill us ... otherwise, i'd be paying with blood. he comes out and says, "ok, that was about an hour and a half. but you're all set. all the lines are working fine."


"now, i'm not going to charge you. and this is rather embarassing, but i hope you don't take it the wrong way"


"but she's really cute and if i ever saw her downtown and wanted to buy her a drink, i wouldn't want her to say 'hey, you're the phone guy that charged me and my roommate a hundred and fifty bucks."

thank you, phone man.

thank you.

yeah, i think i'm going to attempt to use cute girl as a credit card now.

you're legacy will never die, phone man.

this one's for you.


:: 3:59 pm ::

now playing... thursday (full collapse)

heads :: tales