fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

griggs street ... part five

Friday, Sept. 20, 2002
griggs street definitions.

a night: an opportunity for a gathering. example: "i think we need a night." often rituals include but are not limited to: smoking, rolling, talking, closeness, dinner, brainstorming, taking the piss out of boy time...

revolution: something that's going to change our lives, whether it be of the person next to you or the person whose heart you broke or just your own. we're out there to change your mind ... but not to what you think. we don't believe in anarchy or chaos or a world without laws. we believe in peaceful motivation. everyday, each and every one of us is out there in boston, boulder, los angeles, new york, europe, austin, new orleans working our asses off to think of a new way to make you think differently. change your motherfucking wavelength. it doesn't even require getting up off your ass. all you have to do is sit there and hate what you see on tv, refuse to buy the next gap ad that bought your music that sold out, throw something at the next subway shot you see in an "alternative" music video. we all know that life doesn't go that way, because we all made that turn together .. you know the one where we ended up in the middle of nowhere, not sure what to do next? well, here's an answer. revolve. revolt. change.

friend: someone who stands up for you when you're not there to kick the shit out of someone who desperately deserves it.

family: someone who pushes you aside to get the next kick. we never question each other. we just go with the gut. no matter how angry or rigid or fierce our matters became ... well ... you ever heard the phrase, "i'd jump in front of a truck for you" or "i'd take a bullet for that man" or whatever cliche is happening this week to show your disgusting amount of affection for someone who's plain done right by you? well, i've always had the idea that it didn't matter that i was dying for someone. i mean, hell, i wanted to commit suicide at least a dozen times in my life, came close too. that was just for me, my own benefit. these people are my family, of course i'm going to die for them. the question is, how will i die for them? that's always been the variant in my equation. there are many people that i would take a bullet for, but how many people am i going to drown for? burn to death for? be buried alive for? well, i tell you this. the griggs family? i'd be stung to death by wasps for each and every one of their pathetic little lives. you know why? because i know they'd live them.

go out. live your life. make a new friend ... it could be one of us.

(don't worry ... the conclusion is up next.)

:: 12:58 am ::

now playing ... weezer (the green album)

heads :: tales