fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

the outer rings: a slight prelude

Friday, Oct. 04, 2002
there are people in your life who provoke you, astonish you, slay you, and allow you. people who reach out their hands and touch you ever so gently, if only to get your attention for a short period of time, to lure you into or out of temptation, to teach you something rather grand, to cast a light on a dark place.

there are people who you may not notice right away, maybe because they're always there ... they never left your side or perhaps they only remained for a brief moment, leaving you.

these are the people of the outer rings of your life. these are the ones who take in your life situations, and they don't spit advice back out. rings of people who silently cross unknown boundries without an intention. rings that slowly sway in and out of periods of time, intersecting with your life, your place, your actions.

as the rings touch you, they break the surface tension, and you break theirs. no matter if you know what they're doing at any moment, you know that they're there, somewhere in the outer rings waiting for paths to fork and collide.

:: 5:40 pm ::

now playing... tom waits (frank's wild years)

heads :: tales