fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

the outer rings of going "home" ... page five

Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002
maybe what drew us together in the first place was that we all had to sneak cigarettes at the same set of stairs when we were ditching class. i'll never be sure. the same person bought us out illegal cancer sticks. we took walks around the same block when nic-fitting. fifteen and flirting with death seemed to be packed into that tiny camel and those few pyramids. our rebellion pulled us out of our shells.

she was probably the most aimiable person you will ever meet... unless you take her liquor, in which case, her older brother will kick your ass. it's all we had.

wasting away in denver, she quickly became the only person i trusted with three hour phone conversations and my terribly angsty poetry.

friendly tomboy that she was, she knew the best secrets of every guy i ever had a crush on. vampire books, cheesy b-movies, and some weird obsession with simulation games, when she turned out to be my closest friend, you could say that it surprised me.

five years later, she's the only one i talk to from back "home." she's the only one who calls to check in on me, she's the only one who still tells me the juicy gossip, she's the only one who would show up at my funeral and be able to tell people what the fuck i was all about.

she didn't have to read the book, listen to the song, watch the movie, feel her way through life. she was just there at every moment.

her ring always shows up at just the right time to snap me out of whatever massacre i'm involved in with myself. she collides to justify and pull me out of a risky habit of being myself. instant gratification as i see her across a room. when i went "home," she never expected me to change, but she never refused the fact that i had to.

i knew that what she said to me was always true to her, and her laugh will always be infectious.

somehow, we always end up back at those stairs, smoking cigarettes together, watching the snow softly start to fall on new chapters, new ways, new tides of friendships that we will always endure together.

:: 10:23 pm ::

now playing... reggie and the full effect (promotional copy)

heads :: tales