fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

greens and whites with a touch of bourbon.

Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002
tonight was an era in itself, riding through me like fog, pulsing and truant.

i sat through the whole damn show. it took three doubles of maker's mark, but i'm typing somewhat straight and easing myself back into the pain i've grown accustomed to.

it's good that boy didn't like this band, or i would have had a hard time feeling the music.

i could still only think of him ... even now as the keys feel like marshmellows and the clouds are trucking past the speed limit across the moon. here i go, into a dense mixture of alcohol and truth, six to one, half dozen ... he knows the rest.

:: 2:16 am ::

now playing ... the paper chase (young bodies heal quickly, you know)

heads :: tales