fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

inspiration is lost on the suburbs.

Saturday, Dec. 28, 2002
i've got stacks of paperwork to fill out in my mind, and they've all got your name stamped in red.

for some reason, tonight, it's just blocked up, resisting and still. i've got so much buzzing on the edge of my lips, but none of it will form a single legitimate thought. for some reason ... i say that as though i don't know the reason. it is some reason. some sort of reason, some reason, sort of some reason, reason some sort of ... and it's gone again.

i've got a lot of words, mixed-emotions, and terrible cliches pushing at the door, but tonight, i'm going to go to sleep without saying anything about something.

give me this little peace, and i'll promise you the world tomorrow.

:: 3:46 am ::

now playing ... a personal superman.

heads :: tales