fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

although i can laugh.

Friday, Jan. 03, 2003
today has been a truly good day to feel, to stick my head out the window, to ransack the toy store, to go to the comic book shop with rockstar, to buy new pens, to smile ... if only for a little bit.

i'm having a good week, i think.

tylenol pm is helping me at night, and distractions kiss my days. i stop thinking just long enough to eat a full meal. my hair is getting longer, just how he wanted it to. although i still feel a draft of cold, my heart has been warm.

he's been around today and yesterday, sitting with me and knowing that my tables turn very quickly. so he stays near, wishing for the best, just like me.

he broke my lamp the other day. yeah, the only possession of mine that he hated. he dropped a rock in my bed last night while i was on the phone, just pulled it right off the shelf. he pushed my phone off of my bed, just now. no cats around to blame that one on.

don't worry, i've been dreaming all this time. i've been talking and telling your story the best that i know how, good and bad. i've felt my honesty come through, tactless and bright.

:: 8:14 pm ::

now playing ... tom waits (alice)

heads :: tales