fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

songs for me.

Friday, Jan. 17, 2003
i was in the car with rockstar today and ended up thinking of all the music that boy and i used to listen to.

more specifically, how when i was laying in bed, reading or writing or whatevering, boy would find a burst of energy, put on a favorite song, and proceed to act it out.

if the song featured running, he would mime running or if the singer sang "you," he would point at me ... so on and so forth. sometimes, he would sit on top of me and mime the entire song right to me.

he adored doing this, because no matter how bad of a mood i was in or how angry i was at whomever ... i would crack up every time.

as i was laughing, i would start crying. i have the same reaction to laughing as i do to crying ... my body does the same thing. my nose gets stuffed up and tears start rolling. yeah, i know, everyone's laughed so hard they've cried, but this happens every single time i laugh for more than ten seconds. i get tears in my eyes. it's strange.

anyway, so i'd start laughing my big laughs and cries, and then he would begin to make fun of my laugh. once i get started, it's really difficult to get me to stop. i hide my face and take deep breaths (that often come out as strange deep squeaks) to attempt to stop laughing. everytime i looked up, boy would be making a funny face or faking annoyance at how long i was laughing. he knew it would only make me laugh harder.

once i'd calmed down, he would start miming the next song. on and on until we were both tuckered.

i could never do the miming thing right, i couldn't keep up with the song. boy knew just what to do when, for every lyric.

it never ever failed to bring out those big laughs.

:: 10:17 pm ::

now playing ... piebald (king of the road)

heads :: tales