fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

finding them in daylight.

Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003
i'm truly afraid that i'm going to run out of memories. as though, one day, i'll have written them all, done and done. one day, it'll just dry up, and i'll be solitary ... scouring empty rooms for one last thought i haven't thought of him. it scares me to no end.

like the day i taught him where to cut the thumbholes in his thermals ... we're counting down.

it's the little ones that hide in corners and the looming ones that i used to talk about all the time. the ones i have pictures of, and the ones i dare never to tell anyone. i've got the embarassing ones and the sensual ones.

i suppose we just ran out of time to make them. but my mind can't wrap around running out of time to think them.

i've never been scared of forgetting before. usually, it's the remembering that panics me.

:: 12:13 am ::

now playing ... alkaline trio (maybe i'll catch fire)

heads :: tales