fuck'em if they can't take a joke.


Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003
yesterday, slightly many things, but slightly good.

on our way to get burritos and comics, i pull up to a stop sign next to an elementary school. i would have generally looked left and right and then gone, but when i looked to my left, i saw a mom and her young boy walking on the sidewalk. this six year old boy was wearing a rainbow clown wig and a brightly colored flowered dress over his normal school clothes. rockstar and i collapsed with laughter, especially when as they passed in front of my car on the cross walk, the little boy looked at me and waved at me in the classic little kid melt your goddamn heart wave fashion.

so not only that, but i got to go get burritos and comics and then i got to go to my bellydancing class.

somehow, the week blows and then wednesday comes every week.

:: 8:27 pm ::

now playing ... alkaline trio (from here to infirmary)

heads :: tales