fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

little odd.

Wednesday, Mar. 05, 2003
i got on the plane. i promptly fell asleep to my favorite lulling vibration of jet engine tilting to the sky. puts me out like a goddamn blow to the skull.

i woke up as the drink cart was passing by. still groggy and discombobulated, i shout to the tired looking whatever pushing the bar on wheels.

"jack and coke."

"five dollars."



"jesus." and i fish out another dollar.

"no coke."

"no coke?"

"just pepsi."

"pepsi? jesus." and i motion for her to proceed with my now jack and pepsi.

she puts the bitty bottle and the pepsi down on the tray right next to the plastic cup filled with ice on the square of a napkin that i've found serves little purpose but to feel fulfilled when you finally get to stuff it in your empty cup once you've finished your drink.

i notice that the older gentleman to my right is staring. i continue with my ways.

"are you really going to drink that?"


"are you really going to drink that?"

i stop unknotting the wires to my headphones and give him the once over. what an odd little man.

"i always drink what's put in front of me."

i put on my headphones, and suddenly the odd little man is living his life to appleseed cast.

i poured my drink and enjoyed all five dollars worth of it in the two in the afternoon sun.

the odd little man just shook his odd little head.

:: 1:44 am ::

now playing ... my phone ringing

heads :: tales