fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

that superman smile.

Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003
i lift my face to see him slipping down the escalator, guitar in hand. i know my weekend has more in store than just more empty nights and fewer dreams.

that smile just for me grants wishes miles away.

"i like your hair long."

"i like yours short."

and everyone says he's in love with me, and everyone says i'm in love with him. i say, they're all in love with us. there's not enough to be said about friendships, like they're somewhere in between enemies and lovers. because for the first time in months, i hope this isn't the last time i open my eyes.

we ate at all the favorite restaurants, and i gave less than guided tours of where we spend our evenings, like he'd been here the whole time.

something works well and gives me this idea of how happy is supposed to be, how close my friends can be, and how love is supposed to go. i wish i could repay him for the trouble, the energy, and the terror of knowing me right now.

instead, we buy each other chai and make old jokes new.

explorer, rockstar, and i plead with him to move here, be near us, and add a bit more brilliance to music we already have. selfishly, i just want you all close at hand.

instead, let's go to sleep questioning and thank someone for our honesty. i feel like tomorrow could never come so often that when he puts it right in front of me ... gratitude is overwhelming.

put on some tom waits and settle into the couch. we'll talk about whatever comes to mind and listen for the windchimes. you'll wait for my next story, and i'll wait for your next song. we'll live forever in this nighttime. it's all fair game.

he sat through six hours of punk rock music just to see me sing along. we laughed our way to the car, and i looked up at the sky and the stars and the moon knowing that boy should have been there, too.

friends don't mean forever, and nothing does nowadays. but we'll never act like now isn't a good time. it's the best time. the only time.

so, please, give me this look with goodbye in your eyes, and go open up tomorrow. you always make me proud.

:: 2:10 am ::

now playing ... soleil whining

heads :: tales