fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

what remembering feels like.

Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2003
christ, i was asking for this. this recompense. this just what i needed. this faint signal that one day my mind will work again.

one thing at a time, so let's focus and complete the task at hand, moving one foot in front of the other and tastefully walking my own line. i drew it in the sand quite a bit ago, but i never thought that i'd be the one having to step over it ... into the tide.

you're the one waiting now. you're the one without hands to hold. you know i wouldn't fight or dare look you in the eyes if you gave me endings.

i still miss you, baby, and i still know what you felt like beneath my skin. hot breath on my neck, hips against mine, and that don't stop sensation that did more than eat me alive.

:: 1:55 am ::

now playing ... nothing.

heads :: tales