fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

instrumental boredom.

Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003
boy and i spent a lot of our time laying on our bed. he'd be reading comics, and i'd be reading overrated novels. our music would be loud, and we'd both switch positions a lot.

every once in a while, one of us would get bored with being still.

i would put down my book and balance a pillow on my feet in the air, trying to do tricks without it falling.

boy would often put his comic down and grab my leg. if i was wearing pants, he'd push the pant leg up as far as it would go. then he'd start playing my leg like a guitar. he knew it tickled the hell out of me, and that only made him play harder.

:: 1:28 pm ::

now playing ... the birds in the tree outside my window

heads :: tales