fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

mid-afternoons when i didn't have to work

Monday, May. 12, 2003
on my days off, i would sleep until the sunlight through the window was burning my skin and sweat poured down my back. you would call in late to work just to spend a few more minutes lightly scratching my back or making me a pbj.

i would reach my arms, blindly and sleepily, into the air and say, "m'ere!" indicating that it was imperative for you to curl up next to me, and saying "come here" was too long for me to be using my non-sleeping time.

"i gotta go to work," you said as you sat back down next to me.

and i'd wrap my arms around your waist, and say, "mine."

"yes," as you leaned over to kiss me, "all yours."

:: 1:00 am ::

now playing ... toad the wet sprocket (ps)

heads :: tales