fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

meeting new people is overrated (part two).

Sunday, May. 18, 2003
last night, a guy came into my room and began to bitch. i have never in my life heard a guy talk so fast, bitch so much, and whine so vehemently for half an hour straight. not a word in, i swear, and i had never met him before in my life.

i sat on my bed and watched the incoherent sentences leave his mouth like someone shouted 'fire' in his crowded movie theater.

i couldn't help it. i started to laugh. i thought he was the silliest person that i had met in a long time.

he kept bumming cigarettes from me, and i was more than willing to oblige because he was entertaining. not that he had a sense of humor to speak of, but he was just entertaining.

i translated all the shit his girlfriend was doing into actual english, and i couldn't shake the feeling (and i tried to) that he really wanted to fuck me. so i got up and changed the cd and left the room to go find my dr. pepper and kept wondering when they'd get back from dinner, because it was easier to do that then to explain to him the state of things. i wanted him to figure out for himself that he just needed someone to listen and that has nothing to do with sex. besides, being entertaining is not the same as being attractive.

he talked the whole way to the movie theater, and i laughed when he made fun of death cab for cutie.

but when i started crying, rockstar trying to make jokes to get me laughing, the boys just stood on the other side of the courtyard, looking on, probably wondering why this strange girl was uncontrollable after a movie like X2. and i know all they heard from my breaking voice was, "i miss him so much."

rockstar rode back with us, freeing me from conversational overload. thank someone that i hardly ever get the need to explain myself when i'm a little off, because i just got out of the car and said, "nice to meet you."

:: 2:03 pm ::

now playing ... cursive (the ugly organ)

heads :: tales