fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

they're playing someone's song.

Friday, May. 30, 2003
you made me believe i could change something, hold on to brilliance, let go of arrogance ... watch it fade with each breath into the ice air.

i thought i could reach far enough into the future to barely brace it against my fingertips. everything we came here for was crystal fragile and genius solid. we could step off the curb into oncoming traffic and pause to watch our reflections in the passing side view mirrors. i could fold these tiny problems into oragami and marvel at the turn of color.

when we fought, we loved harder. when we loved, we fought the damn good fight against each other, through each other, because of each other. i'd be scared of the wind pushing limits outside. you'd be frightened of the way the time kept piling up inside.

we held on, and we pushed, and we screamed for power, for each other, for something real.

standing in the middle of this lonely lot lately, i'm feeling a lot like a radiohead song waiting to happen. you know? the kind that's too complicated to hear all at once, that makes you hurt more than your lost opportunities, that makes you want to hit someone with an open hand, that makes you remember a boy who had punk rock eyes and a fist thrown in the air and everything down on the line just for a girl.

and i'm just standing here, feet wet and hair tangled, praying for crescendo and a final fade out.

:: 11:11 pm ::

now playing ... radiohead (the bends)

heads :: tales