fuck'em if they can't take a joke.


Saturday, Jun. 07, 2003
she was right when she said, "it's all too important when you can throw someone's insults right back at them."

i smiled a sly little smile and said, remembering a time too long ago, "and some of them are just for me."

i'm no stranger to the flightly deities of disappointment; we've been having a perpetual sit-down for quite some time now.

and so i rise to the goddamn occasion. high-strung and ignoring the on-going desire to hit something, i begin to laugh and through my increasing squeaky laughter simply say, "fuck'em if they can't take a joke."

and they all begin to laugh with me. it's funny because it's true. you see, it's funny and true. and thank you, patchy gods of humor, for getting me through another close call of fight-or-flight defense mechanisms and granting me a twisted group of friends who have their own slander to arm against but, needless to say, stick around to laugh about mine.

:: 8:29 pm ::

now playing ... bad religion (the new america)

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