fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

101 south?

Saturday, Jun. 28, 2003
and i'll never move to southern california.

i would shrivel and fall into dust from the sun alone, let alone the lack of integrity in day to day living.

but ah, it's good to be with my superman again, if only for the brief amount of time that "they" will give us. i never laugh so hard as when i'm near him.

the genius is here too, glorious soldier that she is, flew out for his show at the whisky (gogogo). so we giggle and shout from the backseat.

roadtrips are rated quite highly among people of our age, but it will never be highly enough, as southern california is a brilliant place to visit ... but ... the road only takes us there for the time we were allotted.

soon my feet will be bare and propped again on the dash, barrelling through the mojave at the fastest slow speed, whispering to a texas boy that this was the best idea we've had in quite a long time.

:: 1:44 am ::

now playing ... traffic

heads :: tales