fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

a lot like leaving.

Monday, Oct. 20, 2003
there was certainly a way her eyes looked when we began to talk about how leaving will be, because i can't stay too much longer.

we both know we are something a lot like lucky to have found this time that we've spent.

but i couldn't help but notice how her eyes pointedly looked down and back up when she said, "none of us are going to be here that much longer."

and it's true.

i'm going in june.

she's leaving by the end of summer.

he's got to follow his music.

but i brought my hands together in front of me and opened my smile to say, "we've got a long winter before all that."

because we both know that despite our preparations, we have never been able to adequately gauge exactly how long our winters feel.

:: 2:06 am ::

now playing ... cats bickering

heads :: tales