fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

funny how...

Friday, Oct. 24, 2003
so my bedroom shares a wall with the porch. my bed is pushed up against a door to the porch that we have never used.

unfortunately, this means that i hear every tiny little thing that takes place on the porch.

this morning, someone pounded on our front door because the little sign i made says that the doorbell is broken and they should knock loudly, and i awoke rather suddenly. i sit up and realize not only that it's ten something in the morning, but that i completely passed out last night without bothering to get undressed or even climb under the covers.

so when i answered the door in my favorite black velvet number with eye shadow caked around my eyes, i don't think it was rude of him to laugh.

:: 10:38 pm ::

now playing ... toad the wet sprocket (pale)

heads :: tales