fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

nothing saves the stupid people. (meeting people is overrated--part three)

Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003
so quietly minding my own...

in the words of explorer... "what self-esteem counselor told you that you should go and talk to girls, because you shouldn't."

i really just wanted to sit and drink my beer, draw my pictures, write my so-and-so's.

i don't care about the collapse of western civilization. i don't care about your solution to pop music. i don't care about any word that comes out of...

god, it's not even worth it.

and i thought i was stupid for being completely and fully content drawing pictures of monkeys.

now, i've learned. do not sit alone and draw pictures in a crowded bar while your friends play pool. "that guy" will come and make himself at home in the chair next to you ... no matter how much you avoid eye contact.

:: 1:08 am ::

now playing ... the clink clink of my gas heater.

heads :: tales