fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

"somewhere other than inside the out there." -- part thirty eight.

Thursday, Jun. 17, 2004
-- eagerly awaiting the fall of man, i didn't think it would include you. --

i was sleeping.

his mom, she was crying. she was telling me that he had to be ok. i moved to my desk chair. i listened to her. i moved to the living room. someone was in the shower. it was almost seven in the morning. i looked into rockstar's room. his feet were hanging over the bed.

i broke.

i had been listening for ten minutes or so to some explanation of what was going on five hundred miles away.

i looked around, panicking, from side to side.

"i need you to get up."

rockstar mumbled a bit. i think he heard me start to cry.

"hon, i need you to get up, now." and i was shouting from his doorway, and i couldn't tell if i was about to fall down or smash inanimate objects.


"he's sick. he... i need help."

over the phone, she was asking me if i was coming ... "i'll be there, this afternoon, i'll be there. i'm on my way."

"linds, i love you."

"i love you too."

rockstar came out, curious and confused.

"he's sick. i gotta go. i don't know what to do."

i called my mom, crying and shaking, "i need to get to new orleans, now. mom, i need a plane ticket."

we sat out on the porch. i called philosopher. he was in the shower, and his roommate told me he'd have him call me. i flipped the phone over and over in my hands as i chainsmoked in an early morning.

explorer came out, ready for class. i told her, and she sat down.

an hour and a half later, philosopher gave me some cash, and i was on my way to the airport.

i left this same house with a hope in my hands, fragile and giving-way.

i did not return with it.

:: 4:12 pm ::

now playing ... morphine (cure for pain)

heads :: tales