fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

just a little business.

Thursday, Jul. 15, 2004
so, on a break from the esoteric and abstruse, as some like to um... liken me to?

on the factual side. summing up the first half of a rather wet summer here.

austin remains.

when i moved here, almost two years ago now, it was with this faint hope that i could not find what i was looking for but find out what i was looking for. to little avail, but it's the little pieces that find you out, huh?

rockstar and his band are doing well and you should check out their site (link to the right) and link them if you like them. he's staying in austin for at least another year.

explorer found herself a well-meaning job with a law firm right out of graduation. she'll be in austin for at least another year.

me? i'm leaving this small oasis come two weeks, plus or minus. me and austin, we get along well enough, but the time has come. my stay in this hospice environment has grown sour. no need for details, the feeling is enough.

where oh where is our little labeled-girl to continue her adventures?

for a month, i'll be vacationing with my family because they won't see me for a while.

have they finally sent me to the institution? no, no. no one has wised up to the Crazy quite yet.

come september, i'll be residing in ireland, over some seas and rocks and a bit of land. for some reason, they think there's something to this writing crap. they're going to let me get a masters for it. and i hear the drinking ain't bad over there either.

brilliance, you say? yeah, well, best idea that i've had in a while, if i do say so myself.

i'm going to be poor as fuck, relying on the constant kindness of strangers, but goddammit, it will all be new.

it will all be away.

it's the end of an era.

and so we're making our list of what needs to be done before i'm gone, places and things.

in my head, i'm saying goodbye to a support system that i've grown too reliant on.

in my head, one day, i'll be able to come back here and not think of it as "that place i came when he died."

one day, in my head, i might feel like a real person, with a heart and guts and everything.

until then, don't you worry, my audience of three, maybe four, my fingers are nimble and quick. there are lines from the eire all the way to your home, and my friends, you will not be without me.

:: 12:35 am ::

now playing ... the honorary title (s/t)

heads :: tales