fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

loss of color.

Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004
out of the red and onto something new, we're all just waiting to arrive. missed the goddamn flight on that one, didn't i?

so here, i'll stay. watch the luggage for you. eat my cellophane wrapped sandwich, bread soggy from mayonaisse that i'll just scrape off. watch the people pass. know that i'm not going anywhere. not anytime soon.

you're out of the red now, and i'm just stepping into it. testing the color with my toes and shivering from the feel of it.

haven't done much in the way of thinking before you got yourself into this, have you? haven't really measured the pros versus the fuckoffs? cause i know you're not one to do that one a regular basis.

i take your red, and i raise you lukewarm water and sapphire.

:: 4:31 pm ::

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