fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

christmas is for suckers.

Friday, Dec. 24, 2004
last night was an eerie sort of warm. the southernly winds brought everything higher, and i stepped outside to the warmest breeze i've had since a late late night in a texas august.

forty miles per hour they blew, and i nearly got tripped up by an elf that went tumbling by, escaping from some suburban lawn. i smiled triumphantly that at least he was smart enough to ride it away.

sat out on the porch, warm wind falling over me, pushing me this way and that, i tried to see the stars that i can always see out here (bitter rivals with my token big and brights of texas). clouds in the way. so i hugged my knees and paid close attention to how the air moved over my hair and my face ... and i watched christmas eve creep over the fences and in through the windows so that in the morning everyone would say, "my how time flies! when did christmas get here?!" and so that in the morning, i could shake my head disapprovingly, roll over to push the pillow over my face, and end up falling out of bed because he wasn't there like my mind expected.

this is how christmas functions, total sucker punches.

tomorrow, i'm staying in bed as late as my body will let me since, generally, you don't feel time as much when it's passing over your sleeping body ...

:: 3:26 pm ::

now playing ... holy crap, the house is quiet, time for a nap...

heads :: tales