fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

wedding planning cause there's a ring on my finger.

Friday, Jul. 22, 2005
ah, so that you've caught your breath, i'll explain a bit more.

i'm getting married in ireland in the spring, and you're probably invited if i know you and you think you can afford a plane ticket to ireland.

i met this amazing and gorgeous and talented and funny and kind man in october, and then we dated, and then we moved in together and then we got engaged and all right under our noses without either of us expecting any of it except that it feels right and we know about the past bumps and bruises.

he loves my scars and weeps for each one of them.

i love his eyes and how he laughs.

he's good to me.

he's red of love and blue of storms and green with growing.

he's gonna be my husband, and i'm gonna start baking... or whatever it is that wives do these days.

hopefully i'll be good at it.

more later.

:: 4:53 pm ::

now playing ... click clack internet cafe.

heads :: tales