fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

forgive me my weaknesses as i offer these up to the saint of pop culture: rest in peace seth daniel p...

Sunday, Nov. 06, 2005
i grew up to be a human wasteland, a packrat's heaven or feast of warranted and unkept emotional baggage.

how do you thank the person who shovelled all that shit into the incinerator?

well, three years ago, he perished under the paws of modern medicine.

now, i'm clean and tidy. kept and forgiven my quirks and misleading wires.

occasionally, there's a short, a fuse gone stolen into the absent gray of matter composing those corners of my thought cavity. and only out of those occasions, one or two happen to be unfixable. they're small electrical fires unquenched by the red canister of fire-extinguishing-chemical-paraphenalia. because he was the only one who knew how to adjust the levels, kill the spark, and rewire the institution alive in my head. the self-fulfilling bureaucracy well and breathing with mtv, hunter s. thompson, and a hefty dose of coco puffs.

but, three years ago, he suffered and lost to the grimy kinks in the hose of contemporary science.

i ain't bitter.

just alive.

:: 10:58 pm ::

now playing ... the dryer pretending to be a washing machine.

heads :: tales