fuck'em if they can't take a joke.


Monday, Jun. 10, 2002
i always feel like a superhero when i wear my silver underwear.

and you'd think this was just a small personal observation, but it empowers me. i feel somewhat indestructable, high (perhaps even mighty), and most of all ... like i should practice my xray vision. don't you dare take this as an invitation to knock me off my cloud. i happen to like it up here.

i punched boy in my sleep last night. i think they should put a warning label on the tae-bo tapes. ever since i learned how to throw a punch, i just can't stop battering boy. poor thing.

i got new blue fuzzy slippers today. now, you may say ... lindsay, for what purpose do you need these remarkably girly and fuzzy baby blue slippers, where is that grrl stomping around in her docs that we love so dearly? well, all i have to say to that is: i really like my new blue fuzzy slippers, so stuff it.

i didn't have a remarkable day. i was sort of hoping for one after i spent the whole day yesterday cleaning and rearranging furniture. i feel like my whole life should be different and sparkly since i moved my bedroom furniture. isn't it funny that in my head, a simple change like moving my desk should result in a much larger shift of energy in my daily scheme?

so i spent approximately an hour and a half inside of a "big k-mart." now, when i was little, you couldn't buy things like milk and fruit at k-mart. strange that you can now buy your underwear and lettuce in the same place. i was wandering around this awful fixture that grew in the middle of a suburban wasteland (no it's really bad) which happens to be on my way home from work, and i kept getting turned around. truly, a tv cart and windshield wiper fluid was all that i needed. that's it. a thirty dollar value.

i have to admit, i got sucked into the bluelight specials, the halfoff open package sale, the martha stewart everday value, and mainly.... the housewares section where there were shelving units galore to organize and appease my anal retentive nature to stratify knick-knacks. i'm not even going to go into how i was on my hands and knees looking for my size in blue fuzzy slippers.

i spent fifty five bucks.

i didn't even get a tv cart.

i feel dirty.

:: 6:43 pm ::

now playing... the cars (just what i needed anthology)

heads :: tales