fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

1984 cost more than $ 6.95

Wednesday, Jun. 12, 2002
oh, how i do adore a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich. tasty, satisfying, and most importantly, a slight time machine back to when i was seven and could barely get food in my mouth instead of on my shirt. scratch that, i still have the same problem.

um, bought the new boxcar racer album (well, new and only) today. i splurged and bought the newest goldfinger as well. emo and punk. boxcar racer, i have yet to form an opinion on, but the goldfinger is formidably humorous yet still reveals that same "i hate you, too, world" punch that we've seen on so many of their previous classics. plus it is accompanied by a preachy little something from john feldmann about how wrong we are for eating meat. i understand and all, animals tortured and milk is bad for your heart. let me explain something, i would be a great vegetarian ... but in the irish family i belong to not only would my mother laugh in my face but i would most likely be disowned if i didn't eat her corned beef or roast beast or stuffed whatever. hell, i'd prolly get a good rip if i didn't request certain dead animals on my infrequent visits. but it's not just my inability to face my raging fear of my mother, i love meat. i really do. god in heaven, chicken is the best thing to have happened to this world. i will give up sliced bread any day to have a taste of that magnificent animal. in the words of mouse, "maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like, so they made it taste like everything." THAT my friends is the beauty of chicken. it does taste like duck or peanuts or hot dog or bacon or garlic or paste or anything to can get your hands on to rub into this delightful triumph of an animal. don't get me started on the wonderful versatility of bacon as a sandwich meat and a breakfast companion. then there is the rapture of plain cow, from briscuit to hamburger .... steak to casserole ... does the beauty of the cow ever stop? i even enjoy alligator or turtle soup. i'm sorry john, i can't give up my meat. i'd love to. 500,000 animals slaughtered every hour or something ridiculously depressing like that, but damn if i want to give up my fattening, putrid, unhealthy addiction to animal flesh. a bit of a disclaimer, i don't eat meat three times a day or anything.... maybe just twice a week, but i still love it when i want it. don't get me wrong though, you're not gonna catch me wearing a fur coat.

i'm not going to remark on the "my physical need for cheese" defense of veganism.

on a completely different note, i'm reading 1984 for the first time ever (boy bought it for me when he found that i hadn't been forced to read it in high school). i must say, it does change my thinking dramatically. well, not that much actually, it changed the degree to which i thought about conspiracy in our own government or outright misinformation by those in power. this timed with the recent debate of who knew what about the when why and how of 9/11 has put me in a state of extreme distrust, and keep in mind ... i voted nader, certainly no where near bush. i don't know, it just made me think as i was listening to the boxcar racer cd in my car (tom is an avid conspiracy theorist and much of the album is quite an expression of this) that we certainly might be getting completely mindfucked by not just our government but people like that eccentric rich guy in "contact" or your average new editor on the in. now, (come on, stay on the train for just a moment) this made me think about a conversation had previously (about a year and a half ago) between me and some members of griggs (keep-up crew of allston/boston). which super power would you want if you could choose? i used to think it would be invisibility, but that has certain limits. for a while, i got fed up with my inability to be creative (as there is already an invisible woman), and i just wanted the power to go down stairs like a slinky. now, i think on the same line as a certain omniscience, i've decided on the power to know when people are lying. damn if that'd be rad.

so yeah, 1984, great book if you want to pay the price of total mindfuckocity.

:: 9:44 pm ::

now playing... goldfinger (open your eyes)

heads :: tales