fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

speaking of mind control...

Tuesday, Jul. 09, 2002
a woman got pissed at me today because her daughter wouldn't smile. i ask you, whose fault is that?

what is it about retail that makes everyone think it's our job to do even the most menial tasks or move a fucking mountain for them.

guess what? there is no magical mystical "back room" where we keep all the good stuff. we sold out of your fucking david gray album weeks ago, and it was too crappy to reorder.

know what else? i'm not here to raise your child. if you child doesn't want to fucking smile pretty because he/she hasn't eaten (since you didn't want spitup all over the clothes), i'm not a miracle worker.

guess what, i can't lower the instore prices. no, not even for you.

and, if you're in a record store, NEVER EVER walk in the door, go straight to the counter and ask if they have something. you know the damn alphabet. do you think they keep them in random order, hoping that you'll just happen upon whatever crappy cd you need? yet, you have the audacity to bother the already frustrated college student who's waiting on some other sorry ass customer who can't figure out which eve6 cd their twelve year old will like?

some people's children.

:: 2:51 pm ::

now playing... boy typing

heads :: tales