fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

we have the enemy in our sights!

Thursday, Jul. 18, 2002
bees. i can understand bees. they pollinate things. a world without bees is a world without flowers or honey nut cheerios. plus, bees die when they sting you. they are honorable, giving their lives in an effort to defend the queen and rid earth of scum-sucking, fly-swatting humans who are merely harvesting honey from them.

wasps. i hate wasps. they have no purpose. they are tiny little machinations of pure evil, sent from unholy lands to dash our hopes that we could ever have a peaceful mid-afternoon. a world without wasps is ... guess what, A WORLD WITHOUT WASPS! they defend nothing, they are without honor, and they never die ... no matter how many times their miniscule fangs dig into your flesh (or the flesh of my tiny helpless kitty who was only curious).

every morning, we find two or three wasps in our kitchen. we know not from whence they came, but goddamn it, they're going straight to hell.

:: 11:04 am ::

now playing... boy flipping through the paper

heads :: tales