fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

fever pitch.

Friday, Aug. 02, 2002
so i'm still not quite up to par. man, tuesday night/wednesday morning was a bad scene. i thought i had a cold. innocent and workable. i can go to work, cook dinner, read a book with a cold. tuesday night, i felt extremely under the weather. so when i got home from work, i took some pepto and i went to bed. ironically, about ten minutes after i took the pepto, i went on a wild adventure of puking. it was the worst fever i've had in a few years. i was drenched with sweat and hallucinating. tears were rolling down my face. about eight or nine hours later, i came out of it long enough to call my boss (around seven in the mornig) and tell her there was no way that i could make it in for my nine shift. she offered to bring me dayquil. i think i hung up on her. i finally slept though ... until about noon. four hours of sleep for nine hours of heaves, and i couldn't even walk to the store to get myself a ginger ale. i was not in the best shape for walkin'.

man, if y'all had pictures of this, i'd never be a politician.

:: 12:02 pm ::

now playing... king for a day (before i go)

heads :: tales