fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

if i were an independent woman with super psychic abilities and a knack for leather....

Thursday, Aug. 08, 2002
in an effort to cram everything into my puny head before i lose it in the divorce, i've been reading nothing but comic books for about a month.

i reread the entire sandman series in about three days. i perused from hell and did a quick hop through the authority. got myself into a bit more intensity with 100 bullets, and now i'm finishing up the invisibles.

my brain has been nothing but full of speech bubbles and brightly colored images.

i mean, if only you could see my dreams since i've been reading ONLY comics. it's insane. every night, i'm fighting a new evil, working for one of the endless, or consorting with aliens to get our powers back. it's wonderful.

such a pity that i'm losing this bit of my culture in the move ... but honestly, i'd be no good at collecting comics. i'm very good at reading them, but i can't make that kind of commitment to assure myself that i will arrive at the comic book shop every wednesday to get the new issue of whatever the fuck has come out.

i'm just not a long term girl. i can't keep up week to week. i enjoy the trade paperbacks that collect the issues a lot more. i'm used to reading stories all at once, not in installments.

i just need to train my head to take commercial breaks for sanity. besides, i think i'm awful cute tagging along with boy to the comic book shop. i just wouldn't be as adorable if i went by myself.

:: 9:46 pm ::

now playing... errortype:11 (amplified to rock)

heads :: tales