fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

may i make an appointment for you?

Friday, Aug. 23, 2002
i broke up with my job today, for good.

i promise, i will never take for granted the privelege of NOT wearing a name tag again.

what is it with you people needing to know my name? i just can't look professional with this plastic shiny badge thing hanging off my chest. honestly, i feel like a tagged animal coming back to its master. wee wee wee all the way home.

today ... i got licked by a three year old, got spit up on by a five month old, and taught a two year old how to say determination (deeetum! i'm deetum!)

yeah, a bunch of my regulars came in to wish me well and get their kids last portraits taken by me. people really get attached to their photographers. well, me, anyway ... but i'm adorable.

it was quite a day. i really had some of the most interesting sittings today ... but maybe when i have a bit of distance and i'm not just exhausted from an eight hour shift ... they'll actually be funny.

for right now, it's just a job that's over ... i'll gain perspective when i'm good and ready.

:: 8:37 pm ::

now playing... whose line is it anyway?

heads :: tales