fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

a destination between

Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2002
i wish you were here right now; i'd show you a thing or two about who i could really be... if i actually tried. i suppose it doesn't matter anyway, but saying something i only half mean is better than half saying something that i really mean ... i think.

i never had a way with words.

what i mean to say, is that whoever you are ... whereever you are ... however you are ... i could change all that.

i could hold your hand through the bad times, wipe the tears, throw another rose on the casket, and not mind the silent anger.

i could be happy for you, go to the labor day picnic, laugh it all up, and not worry one more hour.

i could hate your enemies, too. love your friends, befriend your lovers.

and you don't even know me.

i could be that person you mentally flipped off in traffic today or the girl you checked out on the way to class or the lady you saw trip over her own two feet.

i could be anybody. i could be you.

i guess that there's a lot more to be said for transitional period than we originally gathered.

i'm feeling quite free.

:: 11:35 am ::

now playing... the get up kids (on a wire)

heads :: tales