fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

sicky sickerson.

Thursday, Oct. 17, 2002
you see, i've become sick, and in between my hacking and sniffling and aching, i've come to watch more television than any girl on this earth must be allowed to watch. i think i've started to dream with commercial breaks.

i would be reading, oh how i long to befriend james joyce instead of animal planet or to replace reruns of trading spaces with tom robbins... but with this headache and strange pain behind my left ear, my head goes all swimmy when i try to focus on print.

that my friends, is why i've been away for a week. and that, dear readers, is why i have written this whole thing with my eyes closed.

words are requiring dramamine.

:: 2:16 am ::

now playing... cats fighting

heads :: tales