fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

i didn't mean it.

Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003
a month after i moved to austin ... the nights were long, and conversation was our only solace. we ate our loneliness with wireless minutes.

"i'm starting to forget what you look like when you talk to me."

"don't say that. that really hurts."

it hurt me to hurt him.

"i'm sorry. i didn't mean that the way it came out. i just want to see you."

and i won't say these things. i won't say them if they hurt you.

i won't say these things because i don't want to and i don't mean them.

i'll stare at the light, and i won't even think these things.

"i could never forget you."

i can't forget your face, your eyes, your throat, your chest, your waist, your thighs, your hands. i won't forget these things.

i could never forget your jaw, your voice, your mind, your hair, your ears, your palms.

i won't say these things.

i could never forget.

i won't say these things.

:: 12:21 am ::

now playing ... nothing

heads :: tales