fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

cutting dreams short.

Tuesday, Apr. 01, 2003
last night.

as asleep as i've ever been in the past five months.

walking through a cement courtyard, people buzzing around me, my cellphone rings.

i got a call from my future self.



"hi, it's me."

"who is this?"

"i'm me and you."


"i'm you. but i'm me, now. this is you from ... well, i don't want to say the future. but not now, and not then."


"i just want to let you know a few things."

i'm still walking through this courtyard, giving puzzled looks to the person i am with.

"ok. i'd really appreciate that."

"today, in this now, you're going to meet a man that will change your life."

"oh but what about--"

and that's when my eyes opened.

i can't even finish an epiphany.

:: 10:05 pm ::

now playing ... fairweather (if they move ... kill them)

heads :: tales