fuck'em if they can't take a joke.


Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003
i can't be where you are, undefined place and time.

when i happen upon you, it's with the sweetest eyes and the softest laughter. when you look at me, it's like you never left. dizzy and unsatisfied, i sink lower into my pillow, and i wait for morning to come. i lay here and wait for you while all of it blurs around me in spirals and spindles. i can be a patient girl.

i can lose myself in delusions, if i don't wish to bring myself back. i can stare at these soft rings of ash, if i don't care to look into anyone's eyes.

may will come, june will pass, july will shuffle its lazy feet ... and i'll just let it spin around me while i fumble in my own hands.

too frightened to let it all go, too stubborn to look it in the face. i'll just let it go on, blur, and subside.

i'll remember when i was radiant and when someone called me beautiful. i'll doubt the questions and give the answers, none the less. i'll remember when you called me amazing, but clumsy too. i won't doubt a thing.

i'll ride these soft waves, peering into grace, and i'll remember all the things you said, like promises were delicate and forgiving. like i should be remembered. like you keep me safe. like the fall wasn't that far.

:: 1:27 am ::

now playing ... king for a day (before i go)

heads :: tales