fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

lead me into sleep.

Friday, Apr. 25, 2003
lead me, down and around, through the upstairs room that you never use, and i'll close my eyes because the dust makes them itchy.

i'm lonely here, and i need this hand to hold onto, even if it is my own.

my feet will take soft steps and shuffle along the floorboards like they're telling them a story.

it's dark behind these eyes. when i opened my arms, i didn't expect ... well, i don't know what i expected. there's a heart still beating in my chest, and you can have any parts you can salvage. when i curl up in this corner, head between my knees, hands shaking over my ears, that means i'm panicking, that means something's real.

nothing can bring me back, now. no one can love me like he did. we all want to be "somewhere other than inside the out there." we all just wanted to have a smile like that.

lead me down, blind leading the blind, lead me down. give me the tour of the inner workings, this musty basement room. i only feel alive because i'm frightened. they didn't need to be so cruel. none of this was necessary.

make some small conversation, concoct a scheme to make me laugh, and just drive ... drive until i fall asleep, head against the window, dreaming, silent in movement alone.

you're leading me down knowing i've got my only solace in two pills tightly wrapped in my fist, a bottle of bourbon, and a ring on a chain around my neck.

i'll cry, and i'll scream. i want out of this room ... they stole my best friend ... they took him away ... oh god, not him. i'll pound my fists raw against the bare walls. but they left me here all alone, not a soul within miles, but i can hear dogs barking somewhere. i'll fight until i wake.

lead me down. feel my bare back against yours, and breathe the air like you're singing our song. one day, maybe we'll dream the same way, open and wide, leading each other down.

:: 9:46 pm ::

now playing ... morphine (cure for pain)

heads :: tales