fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

a good night for pissing people off.

Saturday, May. 03, 2003
this is not a lie or injustice or fallacy that i've created to make myself more comfortable on the land. this isn't failed hypocrisy or a debt i owe to someone who's done me wrong.

this is me, glaring and impenetrable, angry and invalid. and there's no way for you to get to me now as i'm shielded by those who love me and those who respect my fragile state. you can't get around it. i'm not here anymore.

checked out, cashed in, and held in less regard, i'll take my humiliation and ride the goddamn high, slipping away without detection. keep on talking, i don't hear a fucking word.

this is me, kissing strangers and reciting all the lines to "apocalypse now." idiots are screaming, martyrs are falling, and you sit there talking.

nearly six months ago, death wasted its touch. bad religion is finding their time as the cd changes, and this is me, saying "man, what a mindfuck."

i pulled out fast and with a little less pain than the first time. because fuck'em if they can't take a joke. i'll never follow through.

so yeah, that was a shrug because this is me, gone sour and being strong for him.

:: 8:59 pm ::

now playing ... hot water music (caution)

heads :: tales