fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

dip me in sangria and take me home.

Sunday, May. 04, 2003
when it started to rain last night, we sat out in the open, and i felt it against my bare shoulders, giving me goosebumps.

we toasted to rock'n'roll, to trying to find the explosives, to someone right. i lit another cigarette, and we talked about another day without him.

when they kicked us out, we laughed our way across the parking lot and drove home to yell at the couch sitting on our front lawn. collapse in the living room, watch er for the first time in i don't know how long, crawl into bed, cry myself to sleep, dream of the last day with him, wake up to this only mild headache, want to do it all over again.

last night, we felt the rain and knew we couldn't make sense of anything that had happened. but we sat there with no shelter and just poured another drink.

:: 1:48 pm ::

now playing ... hot water music (caution)

heads :: tales