fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

on the terribly beaten trail.

Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2003
"the universe is organized anarchy, he thought, and i'm lying in the folds of its flag."

i don't believe that any other line that tom robbins has ever written could describe the feeling of when i saw a well-meaning women pick up a smashed squirrel by its tail from the middle of the road and appear to be taking it, half-gutted and limp, home with her. especially when ten seconds later a squirrel hopped in front of my front wheel and tested my reflexes as well as the strength of my heart. i passed those tests, let the squirrel have it's way with the pecan tree it was heading toward, and drove home to lie in the folds of my own flag, content with 'organized anarchy' and the texas nature of the entire debacle of expected behavior.

:: 11:40 pm ::

now playing ... bad religion (the new america)

heads :: tales