fuck'em if they can't take a joke.


Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2003
whenever someone else turns my lucky, i feel like i'm smoking their pack of cigarettes, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. just a new twist to one of my oldest habits.

i've gone to turn my lucky and accidentally smoked it first.

i try to give my lucky away as frequently as possible.

my lucky is back row, fourth from the left.

it used to be front row, fifth from the left.

i spell out words, with cigarette letters, to choose my lucky. the last letter of my chosen word is the lucky. i finish thoughts with my lucky.

i don't remember who taught me to turn a lucky, but i've done it for seven years now.

i've always thought that the phrase, "i can't take your lucky," is quite hilarious out of context. i always snicker a little bit as i insist that they indeed take my lucky.

:: 10:14 pm ::

now playing ... the get up kids (on a wire)

heads :: tales