fuck'em if they can't take a joke.

evening constitutional.

Monday, Oct. 27, 2003
i met a boy who is really good at walking with me, and every time i talk to him ... i say, come over and let's go for a walk.

what i like best is that he comes over, and we walk, pacing the ins and outs of my neighborhood, despite whatever the weather holds or how late it is. this is what we are good at when we are together. the conversation doesn't falter, and my feet don't ache. even though he walks a bit more quickly and straight forward and, myself, i walk with more distractions than direction, we always keep pace with each other.

it's rare, and i didn't appreciate it until just now.

:: 2:14 am ::

now playing ... my beer almost being knocked over by dr. gonzo

heads :: tales